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  • uHat
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  • uHat
  • uHat
  • uHat


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uHat add-on board for uTerm2-S

It is a little add-on board with a PSRAM (specific for the ESP32) and a microSD socket.
I've called it uHat (micro Hat) as it is fitted over the uTerm2-S board using the AUX (J6) connector like an hat.

SD Card: Without Sd Card
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The uHat add-on allows to run an interesting application (PC XT Emulation) of the FabGL library that requires the SD and the PSRAM.

The micro SD card contains the image files of all operating systems available in the FabGL library.


There is a FabGL library application (inside the FabGL library examples) that emulates a PC XT.
There are a few options, but the most interesting is probably that one with Windows 3.0.

Because the SD on the uHat uses different GPIO, before compiling the PCEmulator.ino application is need to change at the line 376 with this line:
if (!FileBrowser::mountSDCard(false, "/SD", 8, 16 * 1024, 35, 12, 14, 13))


Tanks to Michel Bernard a Z80-MBC2 can be completely emulated with the uTerm2-S + uHat (this emulator is based on the FabGL lib too).
You have to use the same SD of the real one. The User key of the Z80-MBC2 here is emulated with the DFLT key.

In the Files section I've uploaded the ready to use version for the uTerm2-S (changes for the uTerm2-S + uHat are marked with the "J4F:" string inside comments):

NOTE: All the files, updates and the details to build it are in the uTerm2-S page here.

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Great kit

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uTerm2-S with uHat and Dedicated Enclosure

The uHat module is designed to integrate with the uTerm2-S module. <br /> <br /> This combination provides a storage solution extending the flexible software defined application platform, built around the WROOM ESP32 development module and theFabGL library from Fabrizio Di Vittorio from GitHub: <br /> <br /> I have designed a 3D printed enclosure which supports the uTerm2-S PCB and provides additional DB9 connectors to support programming through the J2 port and console connections through the J3 connector.<br /> <br /> The case also supports the inclusion of an SD card extension module which enables the micro SD slot on the uHat board to be presented on the rear of the case for easy card swapping.<br /> <br /> The completed assembly provides a, small footprint, flexible computing platform. Which through the use of the FabGL libraries is capable of providing; An ANSI Serial terminal, A standalone emulated Z80 running CP/M, Space invaders amongst others.

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