PIC18F47Q10 with latest IOS firmware version
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PIC18F47Q10 already programmed with the latest IOS firmware.
Version: S310121-R010721
4GB Class 10 SD Card with adapter.
The new SD Card contains all the needed files to build locally the docker image with the gcc (m68k-elf-gcc) + newlib (standard C library customized for the 68k-MBC) cross-compiler under linux.
For more info see the README.TXT file in the /gcc-68k/docker folder inside the SD Card.
Another 68k-MBC comes to life!
I already had many of the parts I would need to build a 68k-MBC. But just programming the PIC18F47Q10 was going to be more work than building the entire board. Thankfully, I found McJohn had the PIC available preprogrammed! So I ordered it, along with the SD card. Just had to plug in the chip when it arrived and everything worked at first power-up! Thank you, McJohn!
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