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  • 68K-MBC
  • 68K-MBC
  • 68K-MBC
  • 68K-MBC
  • 68K-MBC
  • 68K-MBC
  • 68K-MBC
  • 68K-MBC
  • 68K-MBC
  • 68K-MBC



Cpu Motorola 68008 8MHz, 128KB / 512KB / 1024KB RAM, 16 GPIO, I2C, 2 serial ports with RS232, HD emulation on SD, RTC with temperature sensor, Multi-boot management for max. 10 OS (currently supported OS CP/M-68K with 16 HD), Autoboot (direct binary load and execution from SD), sLoad (automatic loading and execution of executable files in Motorola S-record format), SW controlled User led and key, boot mode and system parameters user menu.
Compatible with the uTerm, uCom and SPP add-on boards.

Kit: Assembled
Ram: 1024 KB


Security policies


Shipping Policies


Returns Policies

Attention: this kit is currently not available, alternatively you can order the 68k-MBC Black Edition Kit

This project is released (hardware and software) under the GPL 3 license and was designed by Fabio Defabis (Just4Fun), more information is available at this link.

Attention, VAT and shipping costs change depending on the country of the customer.

Example calculation cost of the kit all inclusive

Country Kit VAT Shipping Total
Italy 69,00€  15,18€  6,90€ 91,08€
EU Area 69,00€ 15,18€ 14,25€ 98,43€
United States  69,00€ 0,00€ 18,65€ 87,65€
Australia 69,00€ 0,00€ 23,90€ 92,90€

The product is shipped from Italy to worldwide, with tracking code.

No customs fees, the customer will not pay customs fees, shipping by legal procedure.

Delivery time:
Italy: 1 working day, Sardinia and Sicily 2 working days
France: 4 working days
United Kingdom: 4 working days

Kit contents:
n. 1   Pcb lead-free blue
n. 2   Resistors 470 ohm 1/4W 5%
n. 3   Resistors 680 ohm 1/4W 5%
n. 2   Resistors 1 Kohm 1/4W 5%
n. 3   Resistors 2.2 Kohm 1/4W 5%
n. 2   Resistors 4.7 Kohm 1/4W 5%
n. 8   Resistors 10 Kohm 1/4W 5%
n. 2   Resistors 33 Kohm 1/4W 5%
n. 4   Resistors 47 Kohm 1/4W 5%
n. 3   Resistors SIP9 1x8 10 Kohm 1/8W 5%
n. 2   MLCC Capacitors 27 pF
n. 12 MLCC Capacitors 100 nF
n. 5   MLCC Capacitors 1 uF
n. 1   MLCC Capacitors 10 uF
n. 2   Electrolytis Capacitors 47 uF 16V.
n. 1   Electrolytis Capacitors 100 uF 16V.
n. 2   Led 3 mm. red
n. 1   Led 3 mm. yellow
n. 1   Led 3 mm. green
n. 1   Led 3 mm. blue
n. 3   Diode 1N5817
n. 1   Transistor 2N2907
n. 2   Transistors 2N2222
n. 1   Mosfet 2N7000
n. 1   Quarz 16 MHz
n. 2   74HCT00
n. 1   74HCT11
n. 1   MAX232
n. 1   MCP23017
n. 1   68008P8
n. 1   PIC18F47Q10 already programmed and ready to use
n. 1   AS6C1008-55 (128KB)
n. 1   AS6C4008-55 (512 KB)
n. 2   AS6C4008-55 (1024 KB)
n. 3   Sockets DIP-14
n. 1   Socket DIP-16
n. 1   Socket DIP-28
n. 2   Sockets DIP-32
n. 1   Socket DIP-40
n. 1   Socket DIP-48
n. 1   Socket for Quarz
n. 1   Connector 1x2 male
n. 1   Connector 1x6 male
n. 1   Connector 1x8 male
n. 1   Connector 2x9 male
n. 1   Connector 2x10 male
n. 2   Connectors 1x6 female
n. 1   Connector 1x2 JST male
n. 1   Connector 1x2 JST female
n. 2   Pins plugin JST
n. 1   Jumper
n. 2   Microswitch 6x6x5 mm.
n. 1   Module RTC modified
n. 1   Module microSD card
n. 1   Adapter cable USB RS232-TTL
n. 1   microSD with 15 disk and all programs
n. 1   Battery CR2032


Data sheet

Motorola 68008
RAM Memory
128 KB
512 KB
1024 KB
To assemble

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